If you need to see other web applications, desktop files such as PDFs, or the system settings of your customer, you can switch from in-app cobrowsing to full desktop screen sharing. Here's how to do that:
ℹ️ Data redaction, cobrowsing recording and screen control are not available when switching to full desktop screen sharing.
Start full desktop screen sharing (customer side)
To enable full desktop screen sharing your Customer needs to press the Share entire screen button.
Once that is pressed, the browser popup will ask the customer what they want to share, in the same fashion as any video communication tool such as Zoom or Google Meet.
Screen sharing outside your own product will disable the cobrowsing functionality but you can easily resume cobrowsing as indicated in the resume cobrowsing section.
You can now see what your customer sees outside your product, such as PDFs, other products they are migrating data from, device settings, etc.
ℹ️ You can also trigger a request for a full desktop screen share, however in some cases (non-single-page apps) this might not trigger the request on the customer side.
Resume cobrowsing
If you want to resume cobrowsing in your product, all you have to do is to turn off the sharing of the entire screen (or other windows). This will resume cobrowsing inside your own product.
Your customer can also do that by pressing the End screen share button.